Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Prophet

I was born in 1990, so I was not alive for 90% of the 20th century. Nevertheless, I have lived throughout that century vicariously with the help of movies, popular culture, and history classes. Now, my knowledge of the 1900s is being put to the test. Right here on this blog I will reveal what, in my opinion, were the 20 greatest achievements of the 20th century. Then, we will check with the experts on I know it's tempting, but don't peek just yet. I was able to resist.

1. Nuclear fission
2. Computers
3. The Internet
4. Cars
5. Airplanes
6. The Human Genome Project
7. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
8. The Hubble Telescope
9. Antibiotics
10. Lasers
11. Cell phones
12. Angioplasty
13. Tanks
14. Plastic
15. Moon Landing
16. International Space Station
17. Satellite-based weather forecasts
18. Global Positioning System devices
19. The video camera (YouTube, anyone?)
20. Liquid Crystal Displays (enables digital watches, LCD HDTVs, etc.)

Now let's see how close I was! Follow me to and let's see what the experts think.

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